--- CIC Diocese
To Live and to be Led in the Word by the Spirit of God
"That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me"
John 17:21

What is CIC?
CIC is not just an organization but an organic Spirit-Led Movement of God.
Our banners may differ but we all are still under one supreme ownership. According to John 17:21, the zeal of the Lord Jesus Christ was that we all may be one. Hence this CIC DIOCESE, the divine family has been commenced by the divine direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The primary passion and purpose of this Diocese is to love and serve God and people unconditionally
Our Churches
Tamil Nadu
Sri Lanka
United States of America
United Kingdom
Our Ministries

Church Plantation

Healing touch

Reinforce Education

Theological Seminar

Equipping Village

Bible Research
In depth learning and understanding of GOD, wiliness of God in our life and purpose of HIS Ministry.
Our Wings
Our Diocese Bishop’s / Clergy gives potential support to their pastors and we have district wise. Bishops to update their events and concern to Diocese. Our Diocese are building clergy / Bishops talent to enlarge their vision in ministries and establishment of God’s kingdom.
God has called assured people to lead his sheep’s, Pastor are called to lead the Church and enlarge congregation. Our Diocese plays an important role to support Our Pastors and we pray for our pastors in this endeavor.
Evangelism brings the people closer to God by presenting that Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He will save us from all our Sins and gives the Eternal life. Evangelism is to proclaim the Gospel on what Jesus has taught in the Scripture.
Youth & Teens
Today Youths are highly talented in the society however they is no proper education and training to lead their best life. Youths prioritize entertainment / enjoyment in their youth life. Hence they choose wrong path in their life .
Women Ministry
God has created Eve to support Adam to live both together. Our Ministry mission is to help the women committee in their ministries as equal partner to men to create the kingdom of God.
Apostle Paul talks (2 Cor. 12:27-30 ) about leadership quality and how to perform in the church and mission of Jesus Christ. Leaders are very important during the ministries because people see them as the form of Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Core Values
- To establish the Kingdom of God extensively by Uniting the churches, Upgrading Christian ministers and Upholding the disciples across the globe.

Interval running workouts to boost your training
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Interval running workouts to boost your training
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
- To build the Universal Body of Christ (The Church) upon the foundation of theological education.
- To unite all churches by episcopal ordination.
- To provide legal protection, guidance and counseling.
- To associate independent churches and to facilitate the government schemes for the minority Christians
- To conduct health awareness programs and to help in times of disasters.

Interval running workouts to boost your training
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
- Commission - Educating every minister of God.
- Correction - Equipping every saint perfectly in the Word of God.
- Connection - Encouraging every believer to walk right with God and people.

Encouraging every believer to walk right with God and people.
Social work has progressed tremendously in various fields of practice like historical development, characteristics of congregations, academic preparation of social practice, review of the literature and research, and ways of strengthening the progress of social service.